Posers and Samaratins

On my ride to work this morning, I was disturbed to notice that Calvin (friend of Hobbes) now is now available in sticker form urinating on the word “Honda”. This was, of course, on a Nissan 200SX (a discontinued economy model 4-door) with aftermarket oversized tailpipes (no other modifications). Yes sir, you are a bad-ass. At the end of my ride, though, right in front of my office building, I saw 4 birds around a clump that looked like a nest. They were in the middle of the road, and flew away as I passed. The clump of grass seemed to continue being blown down the road. Then it registered that it wasn’t being blown but dragged by bird tangled in it. I stopped, backed up my motorcycle, and got off. I sat there in the middle of the road (in full gear), doing my best to detangle a small sparrow with an injured leg from a former nest. It finally flew from my hands, able to lift the nest parts I hadn’t yet torn free. It joined its friends a short distance away and they proceeded to pick off the rest. I got back on my Honda Nighthawk, satisfied that there is no way even a mischevious Calvin would piss on the Honda of a person like me with a happy, stupid little grin on my face.